Monday, September 20, 2010

weekend from heaven and hell.

After going home, I'm pretty positive that staying would be insanely beneficial.
But while at home, after being blatantly asked how I'm doing with my eating disorder, I said "great."
Which is only half false because I'm doing great with my eating disorder, just not great at fighting it. But I know my dad wasn't making sure I was doing everything my ed voice is saying...wrong context.

The familiarity and smell of my house almost made me cry. Laying in my bed was overwhelming...
Whenever I was in my hole of depression last year, I'd put my headphones on and curl up in a ball in my bed and go into my own little world. I have been longing for that almost since I've been here. I don't think it's a helpful thing to do, but it's a comforting thing to do.

I was supposed to wake up at 5am so I could shower and do my hair and makeup for the wedding and catch my cab at 7am. After a night with an amazing start and end and questionable middle....I decided to stay up from 3-5 so I wouldn't risk sleeping through my alarm, since I was pretty intoxicated. T, L, and I fell asleep talking on the student center couches for a little so I decided it'd be ok to sleep for an hour and went back to my room at 4. I texted T for 30 minutes in which I was wide awake so I deleted my 15 minute warning alarm at 4:45.

At 7:45 my dad called to make sure I was at the airport. I was still sleeping. After crying and freaking out on the phone with my dad, I pressed a wrong button (really, I did) and called T. I noticed like a minute and a half later as I was still packing and screaming at my roommate because I was so panicky and stressed. He got me the number for the cab and they were there within 30 it was 8:30 and my flight took off at 10.

Everything had to take longer and I got randomly selected to be extra-security searched with the high-intensity scanner and wand and patting-downage. I got to my gate as they were closing the doors and passed out in my airport seat.

I cried from the time I woke up until the time I fell asleep. I haven't cried that hard, or at all since my car accident in May. Especially not in public. It was mortifying.

But landing in Georgia and driving around my familiar construction-site of a city was perfect. Getting my nails done at my usual place and going to lunch with my mom at my favorite restaurant and getting ready in my bathroom was perfect. I just want to stay there and soak up its familiarity and figure my shit out. I almost cried when I got back to Illinois. I didn't want to be here at all.

So, I haven't done the homework from my 10am and it's 3:26am.
I'm afraid I'm going to crash and burn and get stuck in a terrible place though.

My parents honestly annoyed the shit out of me and I didn't want to be near them. Also scary...that's how I acted in the deepest of my ed, I was terrible to them. I'm trying to tell myself it's because I was hungover and had gotten maybe 6 hours of sleep over two days. But if I was happy enough to be there, that wouldn't have mattered. I could have been nice despite my exhaustion. I was terrible and rude because I'm hiding things and lying.

So how can I be so aware of everything I'm doing to keep going in the opposite direction I should be? I have no intention of trying to do better. And the only reason I can come up with is that I'm fat. Which may be true, but it's a stupid reason.

Stupid Kate Gosselin and her stupid tummy tuck and 7 mile a day runs. Stupid skinny celebrities and their trainers. I want to look like that, even if it's not realistic.

I don't even know what I'm saying, I know I'm being terrible and depressing and annoying as hell...but even though I'm so goddamn whiney I need to write it down. Even though it rarely makes sense at all.

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