Sunday, October 31, 2010

you walk around screaming "screw the world" because that's easier than feeling something

i have officially numbed out.
i don't always get why that's a bad thing.
i know you need to feel,
but god DAMN do feelings screw shit up sometimes.

i don't really care what happens. i don't care if i have to go home.
i don't care if i stay here. i don't care if i do anything about this.

1 comment:

  1. My emotions have left me as well

    I know I'm blocking stuff out

    and I don't know how to fix it...and I have this sinking feeling it will come back and bite me in the ass...because I'm more aware now

    What's keeping me from using 1000 symptoms or really much at all is that these last few months have taken so much from me...i can't put my life on pause again. I need to make the time I had taken off worth it. Just remember that -remember to always away something from the time that you spend. Everything you do does matter. Just remember to tell yourself that, even if you can't feel it.

    and yes, feeling screw shit up...A LOT and the easy way out- walk away...too bad it's also the hardest way out too. catch fucking 22. can't win.

    stay strong. I love you!
