Wednesday, October 6, 2010

all over the place.

I was looking at my pictures from my last dance show in May. 
The dance show I wasn't supposed to dance in because my weight dropped quickly. Because I was purging in the double digits almost daily. And I look thin. I do. Not skinny, not emaciated, but I look thin. Then I looked at recent pictures. I obviously gained some weight. I had to in order to avoid inpatient for the summer. And then I had to gain a little more for good measure. And then I gained a little more during my month of normal eating because my metabolism is so fucked, in Rachel terms. (ok, not an exact quote. but that sums up an hour session) 

I'm trying to be realistic. 
I'm trying to tell myself that yes, I gained weight. The NUMBER is up. But in reality, I fit in the same clothes. I fit IN the clothes. Maybe that's the problem. My clothes were loose and I liked them like that in March-May. Now...well, they fit. Fine. Sigh. This is so stupid. 

I find myself wanting to talk to a therapist. Which pisses me off because I never have wanted to go to therapy before. But something about HAVING to keep it all in...not choosing making me go insane. And I am physically and emotionally drained by all of it. 

I told myself the dumbest thing, too. 

"Once I lose x amount of pounds, I'll email Cindy and start the groups"  


I got my hair cut again. And colored. Which is something I regularly do, to change my appearance quickly. It's something concrete I can do and see...whatever. It's easier than the weight thing. I don't like my hair, so I have someone chop it off. I don't like my ass. But liposuction is too expensive. 

gah. My parents are coming tomorrow. I know what I should do: tell them I need more support (or some support at all...) but that it's not so bad that I need to come home. (lie?) 

And then I can maybe get that support and live better? And get healthy? 
Andddddddd yeah. I want to lose weight still. I am uncomfortable in my skin right now. 

I don't know. I don't like the counseling center. 

I'm all over the place tonight. 

1 comment:

  1. Needing support or wanting to go to therapy is NOT a bad thing. it's a sign you're realizing what's going on. That is a HUGE step. HUGE. I hated going to therapy at first....and I still actually hate it sometimes and I feel super overwhelmed sometimes and honestly... it is helping...small doses. If you feel like you need to talk to go do it girl.

